Saturday, June 16, 2012

What's the Focus?

I was a musician for a long time. It didn't pay the rent, but it's how I spent more than half my waking hours for several years. I guess I kind of still am in that I still write music and my husband and I are slowly, slowly piecing together a collaborative project. That being said, occasionally the topic of genre comes up and it's just one of those questions that most of the time, you just don't really know how to answer.

What I'm trying to articulate is that ... I really can't decide on a focus for this blog.

I mean, there's the title: the Cinephile's Wife. I am that. My husband is total nerd pants film geek. Most of our friends are, too. A good 2/3 of our daily conversation has something to do with film, music, books, and the occasional TV series.

But I'm also someone's mom. So then, you know, there's that $%^@ing mommy-blog route.

For a while I was like, yay, now whenever I try a new recipe I can take pictures along the way and post them and talk about it, and blah, blah, blah.

I can pin things on Pinterest and make them and show you guys.

I guess that's okay.

But frankly ... I don't think I can dedicate effort spent writing to something like that.

Writing means a lot to me. There is no other medium like it. None. If not for prose and lyrics I'd be strapped down in some rehab center somewhere. I know that sounds extreme but I'm only just slightly not kidding. That in mind, I just don't think I can bring myself to write about making my own Febreze when I'd much rather be writing about something more meaningful. Not that anyone likes reading about meaningful things, but whatever.

Then there's that other thing. Jesus. "Religion and spirituality." That's major. It's everything to me, actually.

And while he's a fabulous topic, I feel like part of my calling is to draw attention to some of the nuances of life, and of the world, and so therefore this couldn't really be a completely spiritual blog, either.

So ... I hope you're okay with these things.

If you've come here looking for nine thousand photos of my daughter, you probably won't get them. Those are on Facebook. And Instagram.

If you're looking for daily devotionals from a foul-mouthed semi-cynic ... they won't be daily. But they will be meaningful.

If you're looking to see what I wore today ... it just doesn't matter. So, good luck with that.

And film/book/TV reviews ... they're laughable, but I'll try.

We can definitely listen to some music though.

This has seriously been rocking my world for a couple weeks now.

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