Sunday, March 24, 2013

Fruit Lasagna is Not Italian

Something weird is definitely happening in my body right now. I'm simultaneously headachey and excited and sleepy. I either need to go to bed or to the hospital. Yes, it was worth it.

Tonight, our friend Jason had an idea for fruit lasagna. A quick Google revealed that it's not a new thing, but all the recipes I found were either weird (like, fruit and ricotta cheese ... no) or convoluted or in Spanish. So, armed with bits and pieces of recipes I found online that seemed to work, and Jason's insistence that graham crackers be incorporated somehow, I threw together this heinous concoction of sugar-coma-inducing awesomeness.

The photos are crappy. Yeah, I know I'm a photographer, which means I take photos all the time, which means sometimes I just want to take a photo with my iPhone and call it day, and so I did! Take that, Pioneer Woman. 

The "lasagna" is just crepes, AKA French tortillas. The "sauce" is fruit dip. Now that you know that, here's what I did.

  • 1 1/2 cups milk
  • 1 cup flour
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 TB veg oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon almond extract
  • 2 TB sugar

Toss it all in a bowl and whisk it up until you have a nice little batter. To make them, use a nice-size frying pan on medium heat. The recipe I used says to put it in the pan 2 tablespoons at a time. I just poured mine in right out of the bowl until I had a "pancake" about 4 inches around. Then, you need to twist and turn the pan all over to "thin" out your pancake. The idea is to make really thin little pancakes (seriously, they'll look like tortillas) so don't think you can go too thin. Just roll that pan around until the cake is really thin. Let it cook until the top of the cake looks pretty matte, rather than shiney, and then carefully flip it and cook it up on the other side! Pretty easy! Here's what mine looked like.

I got this "sauce" here, but adapted it a little bit. Please note that Austin picked up regular blueberry cream cheese at the store, and it ended up working out pretty well. However, I'm going to post the actual recipe, and if you wanna try it with blueberry cream cheese, you go right on ahead, homie.

  • 1 cup marshmallow cream <---this stuff is ridiculously sticky.
  • 1 cup cream cheese (try to get it to at least room temp if you can.)
  • 2 TB frozen orange juice concentrate
  • 1/4 cup milk (or more, if you want the sauce less thick)

Put the marshmallow cream in a bowl first and pop it in the microwave for about 20 seconds to melt it up some. Then, add the cream cheese and juice concentrate. Mix that up rull gud. Add the milk slowly so you don't add too much, and feel free to add a little more milk if you want it to be a little more saucy, like me.


Let it be known that you can seriously use whatever fruit you want, because between the crepes and the sauce, you could slice up a log of dog doo and everyone would still think they were eating unicorn star fairy sprinkle hearts. It's that yummy. While Austin and Jason were eating it they were like, "This would be good with kiwi!" "This would be awesome with grapes!" "Next time we have to use more bananas!" "I'm going to take this home and spread the sauce all over my body!" <--Jason

Here's what I used: 

  • Blueberries (one small box, not sure if that's 1/2 lb or not)
  • 3 bananas
  • 1 lb strawberries
  • Graham crackers <--Jason's requirement

Slice the strawberries and bananas up and set those aside with the blueberries. Now, lay some crepes down (to the sound of a little Barry White) in the bottom of a glass dish. Spoon half the "sauce" onto the crepes and spread that around a bit. Put about half the fruit mixture on top of that. Now, crush up at least one or two full graham crackers and sprinkle that all over the fruit. Add another layer of crepes, the rest of the sauce, the rest of the fruit, and some more graham cracker crumbles.

Now, you can either stick all this in the fridge for a half hour or so, OR, you can do what I did - when I made the crepes, I layed them all on a baking sheet and put that in the fridge while I sliced fruit and made the sauce. Then, when I assembled everything, it was already pretty chilled!

Enjoy, dudes!

1 comment:

  1. I really want to try this! It looks great for a party dish! You make it sound so simple, I hope it is.
